Project Overview
The Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP) offers a model for “lawyering in a crisis” by crowdsourcing short-term volunteers to provide rapid legal services to asylum-seeking families. The need is vast: Having traveled as law students to a detention center near the U.S.-Mexico border, ASAP’s co-founders were shocked at the conditions they encountered. The facility housed 2,400 refugee women and children, with just two on-the-ground legal service providers. In response, the organization formed in 2015 with 15 student volunteers, and they won every case forced to go to trial in that detention center. Today, the group has worked with over 500 legal volunteers across the country, successfully representing more than 300 asylum seekers in 28 states. By utilizing experts across the nation, ASAP deploys pro bono hours where they are most effective, while learning from legal innovations in a variety of venues. ASAP also found that connecting refugees to one another can be as important as linking them with lawyers, so they launched a private online community where thousands of formerly detained, asylum-seeking mothers now share critical information through a peer-support network.
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