Project Overview
The Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program (FFRP) addresses a confluence of California’s environmental, criminal justice, and equity crises. A worst-on-record wildfire epidemic has ravaged the state. Simultaneously, a severe shortage of firefighters has deepened a human and ecological disaster. And a justice crisis has wrecked communities though tragic cycles of reincarceration. Connecting these challenges, FFRP spotlights the potential within California’s Conservation Camps, which are inmate-staffed firefighting crews known as “Fire Camps.” If formerly incarcerated Fire Camp workers were offered support and training, FFRP asks, could they transition to the wildfire labor force after their release, improving themselves and serving their communities? To date, FFRP has helped more than 100 people do just that, providing mentoring and career support to build a pipeline of individuals ready for family-sustaining jobs. Led by former Fire Camp workers—who successfully transitioned into the sector post-release—FFRP utilizes hard-won knowledge about the barriers to stable career paths that face those typically excluded from the field. The organization’s “whole person care” model includes trainers, case managers, and peer coaches who support trainees, while also engaging new and underrepresented communities—especially women and people of color—in the climate justice fight.
Five Questions
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Meet our other 2021 awardees

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Every Campus A Refuge leverages the sizable resources of colleges and universities to provide a stronger, more dignified landing for refugees.

Daniel Bögre Udell &Kristen Tcherneshoff
New York (Operating globally)
Wikitongues safeguards threatened heritage languages by giving people resources to document, teach, and promote culture-sustaining mother tongues.

District of Columbia (Operating nationwide)
Cambium Carbon upcycles fallen urban trees, growing green jobs while building equitable cities and mitigating climate change at scale.

Esperanza Dillard &Talila "TL" Lewis
HEARD’s trauma-informed reentry program provides healing, empathy, and justice for deaf/disabled people who have been harmed by the carceral system.

Homeownership and construction skills-building come together as a platform that centers Black women, reclaims historic homes, and sparks neighborhood-scale change.

Co-op Dayton builds community- and worker-owned cooperatives that center Black workers, expand democratic participation, and renew long-neglected neighborhoods.

Ariel Koren &Fernanda de Oliveira Silva
California (Operating globally)
Respond provides trauma-informed, life-critical translation and interpretation services to asylum seekers and anyone needing language support in contexts of crisis.

Wisconsin (Operating nationwide)
Driven by a reparations ethic, Nuns & Nones collaborates with Catholic sisters to invest their land and assets in regenerative land stewardship.