Project Overview
The rural Western Piedmont region of North Carolina boasts one of the top concentrations of manufacturing firms in the nation—a proud heritage of furniture and textile production that was devastated beginning in the 1990s as jobs vanished due to automation and foreign competition. At the same time, as in rural areas elsewhere, young people were fleeing to urban places. Seizing the opportunity to connect youth retention, cultural heritage, and economic revival, The Industrial Commons helps small to mid-size firms convert to worker-ownership in a quest to build economic fairness and dignity, all while preserving a deeply meaningful culture of skilled people making things. Building on co-director Molly Hemstreet’s experience starting Opportunity Threads, a worker-owned cut-and-sew shop launched with Guatemalan colleagues, she and co-director Sara Chester first formed a federation of 350 small textile plants—known as the Carolina Textile District—to rebuild voice and economic stability for a diverse working class. Now, The Industrial Commons is on the front lines of supporting sustainable manufacturing in America. As a generation of aging factory owners prepares to retire, The Industrial Commons is engaging younger worker-owners who are hungry for a more democratic workplace—and can preserve the region’s unique craft-production knowledge before it’s lost.
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Washington, D.C. and San Diego, CA
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Washington, D.C.
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Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP)
New York
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