Project Overview
As marijuana legalization sweeps across the nation, cannabis has become a thriving, $13 billion industry. And yet Black business owners account for less than 5% of the legal cannabis sector—a highly troubling disparity given that Black communities have long endured disproportionate rates of drug-related arrests and incarceration. In response, The Hood Incubator is leveraging marijuana legalization to build economic power for Black communities and redress America’s legacy of racial inequity. The Oakland, California–based Hood Incubator utilizes organizing, policy advocacy, and economic development strategies to ensure that these communities have access to the one million legal cannabis jobs projected in the U.S. by 2025. To get there, the Incubator envisions a comprehensive, collaborative-based workforce development program that builds career ladders in the cannabis industry’s fast-growing advanced manufacturing segment. The program would move Black workers from low-wage to middle-wage to career-level roles, fostering intergenerational wealth and economic mobility. What’s more, by using cannabis equity as a lynchpin for other social justice issues, the Incubator’s inclusive economics also helps end community isolation and advance place-based political agency. The Hood Incubator thus stands as a hopeful model for other industries, proving that business can center marginalized people and drive transformative racial justice.
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